Tuesday, October 7, 2008

People in public places

People in Public Places

  • Be ready to potentially be confrontational and potential intense conversation
  • Be ready to freeze the action, shoot in shutter priority to ensure you can freeze the movement of people walking, running or cars and bicycles
  • A good recommendation to be is to set the shutter speed at least twice the focal length of the long end of the lens. Use AF mode and metering mode to center weighted
  • As a recommendation your aperture shouldn't be more than 5.6, otherwise be ready to crank up your ISO.
  • A good lens recommendation would be an f2.8 at 300 or 400mm
  • The hardest thing to do when shooting people on the street, would be to ensure that other people don't cross your shot. As a recommendation shoot with the flow, not across it.
  • As for legal ramifications know that in the US and the UK you are allowed to take a picture to whoever you want, Ireland might be a different story. Be careful and avoid shooting kids in public places due to the controversy
  • Remember to be courteous, while you are looking at the viewfinder, somebody might be looking at you. If someone sees you taking their picture simply raise your hand in thanks as a courteous gesture, if they ask what you are doing tell them, show them the picture on your camera. As a good way would be to have a card handy with your details so you can share the picture with them later, this could be a good way to give them a model release in case you a have a great shot.

Some people might not like their shot taken.. Suggest you look at this story. Also know your rights.

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Anonymous said...

Well I acquiesce in but I about the post should secure more info then it has.

Anonymous said...

Nice post! GA is also my biggest earning. However, it’s not a much.

Places I've shot in